
Thursday, July 11, 2013


Valence and Hybridization :
                   The electronic configuration of carbon indicates its valence should be 2 ; but
 actually it is 4.How is it happen ? It is explained lucidly in the following animation. Also the
 formation of sigma- and pie-covalent bonds by overlapping of atomic orbitals and hybrid
orbitals are shown in the video.
                  In ground state the carbon atom has 2 unpaired electrons, so it should have
valence 2. But on taking 96 kcal/mol energy, one of the 2s-electrons excited to 2p-energy
state prior to bond formation. This energy is compensated by the energy evolved by the
 formation of four covalent bonds (about 100x4= 400 kcal/mol). As the resultant four bonds
are equivalent, the one 2s and the three 2p orbitals of carbon atom hybridizes to yield four
equivalent sp^3 orbitals.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Atomic Structure of Hydrogen, Deuterium & Anti-hydrogen

 Class IX & X :  In this video, mass & charge of sub-atomic particles and the structure of hydrogen & Deuterium are shown. This animation also contains the structure of anti-matter of hydrogen i.e.,anti-Hydrogen.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Atomic Structure of Carbon on the Basis of Bohr-Sommerfeld Theory

          Bohr's orbit, sommerfeld modification and then sub-sub-level (orbital) electronic configuration were animated in this video.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

100 years anniversary of Bohr's Atom - still now relevant...

Bohr Atomic Model successfully explained the Rydberg formula about the line spectrum of H-atom and H-like ion. In this video I tried to exhibit briefly the Bohr's idea. 

A Tribute to Bohr's Atomic Model

Centenary Tribute to Bohr's Atom (Animation)
On July, 2013 Niels Bohr,s Atomic Model has completed 100 years. On the eve of this glorious moment I pay homage to Bohr's atom by dedicating this video.